Despite the covid 19 pandemic and the lockdowns the world is facing we will all want to have great hair. With salons unable to open many of us will resort to DIY to solve the problem of a long fringe, to cover up those white hairs, or just to cheer ourselves up.
I hear all the time clients say “my fringe grows quicker than the rest of my hair “
The fact is your hair grows at different rates and depending where you are in your growth cycle determines how fast or slow that happens.
Your fringe is growing at the same rate as the rest of your hair. It's just that you notice it quicker when it gets in your eyes.
Unfortunately as much as we all wish that while in lock down our hair would stop growing !!!
that’s not going to happen.
Any hair dresser would prefer you didn't do anything to your hair as it makes our job harder to correct any mistakes.
If you find you really can't wait for your favorite stylist to re open then here are my top tips to DIY locks.
When it comes to cutting a fringe follow these simple rules …
Less is more
When curing a fringe it is always best to cut a small amount at a time until it's sitting where you like it.
Do it dry
Hair is elasticated and when wet it can be up to half an inch longer, the hair will then shrink once dried. Try washing and blow drying your fringe to how you usually wear it before picking up the scissors.
Separate into three sections cutting the middle section first then one of the outer sides followed by the other side linking each side to the edge of the centre section.
do not pull the sections down tight as the hair will spring back up after, with your hair between your fingers instead release some of the tension before cutting.
If you have a few grey hairs and you have to cover them, choose a colour as natural as you can.
Use a semi or demi permanent colour, these are gentler on your hair and they will fade over time which will allow your stylist to get your usual colour back without too much work.
This will help you avoid expensive colour corrections when back in the salon.
If you need products to tame your locks I would suggest contacting your salon and asking if they can offer a click and collect or delivery of your usual products.
This will avoid using anything that may affect future services in the salon.
Heat styling
Applying heat to the hair can damage the protective surface layer of the hair and your hair can become weak and break. Always use a good heat protection product to prevent this from happening. Again contact your salon and ask their advice on the best products they can supply for your hair.